tropical ceiling fan

Keeping Cool With the Tropical Ceiling Fan

How the Tropical Ceiling Fan Keeps You Cool

With summer just around the corner, you’re probably wondering how you’ll keep your cool. Forget noisy, expensive air conditioners – the tropical ceiling fan is here to save the day! In just 100 breezy words, you’ll learn why this unassuming appliance is the hottest thing since sliced bread when temperatures start to climb. Its energy-efficient design, soothing white noise, and retro-chic style will have you rushing to the nearest home goods store. Plus, we’ll share insider tips on choosing the perfect fan for your space. Don’t sweat it – relief from the sweltering heat is just an introduction away with the tropical ceiling fan! Stay chill as we give you the lowdown on this summertime must-have.

tropical ceiling fan

Unique Benefits of the Tropical Ceiling Fan

Tropical ceiling fans are designed to keep you comfortable in warm weather. Their large blades span further and spin slower than standard fans, moving a higher volume of air.This creates a gentle breeze that cools the area without that annoying wind tunnel effect.

Powerful Airflow

The broader blades and lower RPMs of a tropical fan maximize airflow, circulating the air in the room more efficiently. This wide span and slower spin is what creates that distinctive tropical ceiling fan breeze. The result is an area that feels up to 10 degrees cooler through airflow alone.

Energy Efficient

Tropical ceiling fans require less energy to operate compared to air conditioning.  By circulating room air instead of generating cool air, they provide an eco-friendly way to stay comfortable in warm weather. Using a fan allows you to raise the AC thermostat by up to 4 degrees without sacrificing comfort. 

Stylish Design

Tropical ceiling fans also provide an attractive design element for any space. Their large size and visible blades make them a focal point of the room. The right fan can enhance the overall decor,especially in spaces with a coastal, nautical or island vibe.

With the right tropical ceiling fan creating the perfect breeze, you’ll be enjoying your own slice of paradise and lower energy bills all summer long. The gentle airflow and stylish design provide natural cooling in an eco-friendly package.

Tropical Ceiling Fan FAQs

A tropical ceiling fan isn’t your average fan. With larger, more decorative blades designed to move a high volume of air, it offers some distinct advantages over regular ceiling fans.

Powerful Cooling

Tropical ceiling fans are built to keep you comfortable even in hot, humid weather. Their powerful motors and aerodynamic blades create a stronger breeze than standard fans, cooling you effectively and efficiently. On the hottest days, the powerful airflow can make it feel up to 10 degrees cooler in the room.  

Whisper-Quiet Operation

Despite their power, tropical ceiling fans are engineered to operate almost silently. High-quality components like precision-balanced blades and vibration-absorbing fixtures allow them to spin at high speeds without the annoying squeaks, rattles or hums of lower-quality fans. You get maximum cooling with minimal noise distraction.

Enhanced Style

With distinctive blades in natural wood or rattan and decorative motor housings, tropical ceiling fans add a touch of island style to any space. Their unique designs can make a dramatic focal point in a room or complement a tropical-themed décor. Either way, a tropical ceiling fan is a stylish alternative to a standard fan. 

Between the powerful cooling, whisper-quiet operation, and stylish designs, tropical ceiling fans offer benefits you won’t find in an average ceiling fan. For staying comfortable and beat the heat in style, these fans can’t be beat. Your own personal paradise is just a flip of the switch away!

Should Home Builders Use a General Contractor, or Specialty Companies

Should Home Builders Use a General Contractor, or Specialty Companies

Home building projects can be a logistical nightmare. A number of individuals have to work on a construction project at any given time. There is always a significant chance of the project collapsing because of disorganization. Individuals need to make sure that they structure their home-building projects accordingly. Deciding between a general contractor or specialty companies to handle a project is an essential part of this structuring process. 

Scope of project

The scope of a project is often the most important factor in determining whether or not a special or general contractor is used. Special contractors often have licenses to do a particular area of work. They may be problems that can exclusively be solved by trained electricians, masons, or carpenters. But only a small group of problems require specific specialists. Jobs like dock construction or updating dock accessories require a wide range of individuals. These jobs may need painters, electricians, or carpenters who may all need to use facilities or electricity. 

These specialists have to start and stop working at particular times. In some instances, working on a project at the wrong time can end up ruining that project. A specialist who requires water of any kind should not be working on an area at the same time as an electrician. General contractors are sometimes needed to balance all of these individuals and schedule them at the right time. Most general contractors have experience in different fields and in managing large teams of individuals. They may have years of expertise but only one or two specific licenses in particular areas. 


An individual’s expertise can help determine which type of contractor would be needed. A person who is well-versed in construction may be able to organize a group of specialists and have them work in a productive, timely manner. They may be able to simply look at a job and be able to figure out what is working and what is not. Such expertise is only gained through years of hard work and training

It may be applicable for a company with construction professionals that is looking to expand dock construction or dock accessories. But bringing in specialty contractors may not be effective for an individual looking to invest in real estate or build their dream home. They do not have the experience in managing people or gauging materials necessary for building a house. These individuals should turn to general contractors in order to prevent fraud and massive cost overruns. 

Free time

Free time is essential for making a choice between a general or specific contractor. Individuals with a limited amount of free time cannot juggle a group of specialty contractors. They cannot be tasked with the job of checking in on specialty contractors, making demands, and dropping those contractors when they are unable to perform at the level that a company or individual needs. These individuals are too busy working at the jobs that they are specialists in. Some individuals may be able to stop by a job site after work or during a lunch break. But this approach is only workable in the short-term. For longer projects or projects that are dozens of miles away, a general contractor is needed to keep up with the site and report back to the person in charge of construction on a regular basis. 


The decision between specialty companies or a general contractor is an important one for any individual. They must balance their time needs and budget with the demands and scope of the project. They must also perform extensive research into the specialty and general contractors in their area. Hard work and careful planning are essential to allow any home building project to succeed.

Why Software Analytics Is Important In The Construction Industry

Big data analytics have come as a viable tool in the construction industry that experts are now embracing to lead better teams and to strategize for increased efficiency. The ability to sift through a lot of information to get results that are relevant is beyond most human skills, but with software analytics, this is made easier and faster. Construction companies, therefore, are able to save a lot of time by sifting through large amounts of data to get relevant information that can help them to implement different actions. This allows them to lay more focus on events and projects that matter than worrying about IT issues.

Problem solving

One of the biggest incentives for having software analytics is that construction companies are able to solve complex problems with Ad Hoc Reporting. For these companies to be successful in their problem solving processes, they need to collect the right data and in an organized manner that is searchable. Software analytics allows them to accomplish this effectively as the data returned is accurate and sifted for errors, which again eliminates the need for construction companies to spend a lot of time trying to validate data.

Risk prediction

Additionally, big data offers you the unique ability to gather insights that allow you to make improvements to your systems to prevent risks. You can easily detect errors before they happen and finding opportunities for optimization that is focused on the future is easier. You can get long-term improvements if you use software analytics. The accuracy at which software can give information is beyond human capabilities and this could be the reason most companies that use software analytics have been seen to achieve better results than their counterparts that don’t use analytics.

Performance evaluation

You also want to know how your company or its departments have been performing over a specified period of time. It could take a lot more time to implement this process if one chooses to follow traditional methods, but with software analytics, you get real-time results when monitoring performance. You could even make adjustments to the software to receive reports after every specified period of time, so you are informed about changes in different parameters in a more dynamic manner.

Construction companies that keep large amounts of data would find it challenging to assess their performance in the absence of analytics software. Knowing project profitability and efficiency is important when making decisions and these are reports you will easily get with software analytics.

Track assets and construction equipment

Apart from leading experts in decision making processes, software analytics also helps in the monitoring of construction equipment and assets. Construction companies spread most of their assets and equipment geographically and this could be a source of disaster if not controlled. You need to know which equipment or asset is where, so having a monitoring system that keeps records and gives information about assets and equipment is necessary.


The more data you have, the more potential you have to make remote predictions about construction site limitations and possibilities, and this could help you to plan accordingly.

On the Benefits of Streamlining Certain Aspects of the Construction Process

proposable construction process


There is a lot that is demanded of all construction professionals throughout the process of building a home, including a tremendous amount of paperwork concerning permitting as well as a wide range of other requirements that may differ based on the specific geographic location. Due to the time-consuming nature of some of these requirements — paperwork or otherwise –many builders are consistently on the lookout for any way possible to streamline their operations without having to sacrifice the quality of the construction.’s templates — including everything from a software development proposal to straightforward sales proposals — may provide a means through which construction professionals can use their time more efficiently with regard to this critical component of the initial building process. For professionals that find it difficult to remain attentive to the sales proposal process while also working on meeting all of the other various professional responsibilities that demand their attention during the actual process of building a home, a comprehensive sales proposal system may prove to be an ideal solution for streamlining their business operations.

Of course, streamlining the sales process also means that builders are able to devote more of their attention to meeting the specific needs for their clients, something that is especially critical for custom homebuilders. Any opportunity in which it may be possible to streamline certain processes that enable a more client-centered approach should be recognized as incredibly valuable for so many reasons.

Value-Adding Home Improvement Projects Not Always Associated With Curb Appeal

David R Gray Jr home improvementThere is a multitude of reasons why homeowners take on all kinds of home improvement projects, with many citing a simple desire to improve the quality of their surroundings while others just enjoy spending a weekend working with their hands in order to create something unique. Though the reasons are quite varied, homeowners are most likely to at least reference the fact that the projects they undertake will add value to their home in some way.

As David R. Gray Jr. would likely point out, this common form of reasoning often leads homeowners to select projects associated with aesthetic improvements, especially when it comes to curb appeal. Curb appeal projects do offer a significant return in terms of the real estate value added, but homeowners should be careful not to overlook the sizable return on investment made possible through a host of other possible options.

Installing insulation in an attic is perhaps the best example of a value-adding home improvement project that is commonly overlooked, but it is one of the few projects that result in an immediate increase in real estate resale value of well over 100 percent of the cost of the project. While installing attic insulation may not seem like the most enjoyable weekend project, it is certainly one of the best when it comes to adding value to a property.

Getting the Most Out of a Custom Construction Project

Getting the Most Out of a Custom Construction ProjectLots of builders advertise custom construction projects that ultimately turn out to be what is essentially a cookie-cutter design that has just a few customizable options. While this may technically be “custom,” this is rarely what a customer expects when they request a custom design. This can make it difficult for a prospective homebuyer to get the most out of their construction project, but a few simple strategies can help ensure that a custom project is truly unique and designed according to the precise specifications of the customer.

“People tend to be far too deferential when outlining what they have in mind when it comes to a custom home,” says Arturo Alvarez Demalde. “They may say exactly what they want when they first meet with the builder, but are then easily convinced to take a different approach by a builder who is looking to make the project easier and more cost-effective. This only benefits the builder and not the person who is spending six or seven figures on a custom homethat they intend to make their residence for the next several decades.”

Randi Glazer would likely tend to agree on this particular subject. Homebuyers need support while buying a custom home, which means that they should be reminded that they are spending a lot of money to build the home of their dreams. During this process, the homebuyer should be assertive and remember that it is not their responsibility to be accommodating to a builder. The homebuyer can always consult other builders willing to design a truly custom home, or they can stand firm that a custom home should be custom in the truest sense of the word.

Ralph Slaske The Hardest Job In Construction

I think I’ve probably done just about every job there is in the construction field and as I sit here thinking, I’d have to say framing was the hardest part of construction. If you were to ask anyone with little knowledge in construction about framing, they would probably say framing has something to do with the foundation of the structure that is being constructed. Framing, is the basic building skill construction today. The term, “framing,” also is called, “rough woodworking,” and this skill is done frequently in near about every project that deals with remodeling. Sounds like fun already, doesn’t it?

Timber is so common and it’s the most used material for a framing job because you can find it just about anywhere. Already, you can see this is a very heavy job. The lumber is also easy to work with and compared to other materials that could be used in framing, it’s not nearly as costly. Working in framing also means you have to know your trees and what they are good for, just as a survivalist would. A survivor in the woods knows that if it’s cold and he’s surrounded by pine trees, he’s out of luck because pine makes terrible firewood but a good fire starter. Pine, however, is a great source of lumber for framing and so is hemlock. If you have those nearby, you’re good to go.

Trees aren’t the only things used to frame. Concrete is commonly used because it can be made on the spot and delivered if need be. Steel and bricks are materials that are used, too. These materials are important to use rather than just the lumber because they can support more weight. However, things get expensive when you are working with heavy materials.

Just thinking about framing and writing about it makes me not want to ever do it again, but whatever puts bread on the table, right? Since I’ve started my blogs, I could switch gears and teach people how to make money online, but I am too passionate about construction and my business to do that.

Long story short, although it’s a bit late for that, framing is an incredibly complex, yet highly important job. As stated before, it’s what makes remodeling possible.

Ralph Slaske Make The Investment—Train Your Employees

Training in any field of work is important and today it appears more and more companies are slacking on training their workers simply because it costs money. That’s never been a problem before, why is it a problem now? In the construction business, training has always been important, because it is dangerous work. Workers use tools that could cause permanent damage and are on top of structures high enough that would kill them if they were to fall off.

With money being an issue of why businesses don’t train employees as much anymore, they believe the answer is college. I’m sorry to break it to you, but college teaches HOW to get the job, it doesn’t teach everything on how to DO the job and do it safely. Training your workers allows your company to be competitive because without training, your company doesn’t stand a chance. Also, training your guys the way you want work to be done will ensure they perform quality work. Why? Because you taught them!

You can get a good idea of how good of a worker and who a person is through an interview. When I did my interview with, it was easier than the interviews I would give the guy who wants to work for me at Slaske Builders. The interview doesn’t tell all, but it does serve the purpose to get their foot in the door. The rest isn’t up to them, it’s up to you. In a job like construction, you can’t just throw a new guy to the wolves and say, “Well, let’s see what you’ve got.” He’s going to mess up and that mess up could cost a life. This is just one more reason of why you must train your guys.

Remember when I said employers and businesses stop training so much because of the money it costs? Well, here’s good news for those guys. Even if you were to give your employees the best training you could find, that doesn’t mean it has to cost so much. A good standard to go by is knowing that a very good trainer must be always ready teach from experience and relate to the student. We were all new once, so keep up the training and they will keep up the good work you have taught them.